Thursday 27 June 2013

Narendra Damodardas Modi

Who is Narendra Modi ? Ask any Indian fellow and he will answer you. You might find the answers more amusing if you keep asking about who is Narendra Modi to every other person you meet in India.And it would be better if you yourself have no prior views/ opinions about the personality otherwise you would only engage yourself into heated arguments ! I have been a part of such heated arguments on streets , mess,and other  public places and my personal advice would be just listen and move away! This was for all Indians or Non- Indians . Worst Thing about us Indians is that we are big time bigots when it comes to political opinions. Even if we do realize that the opposite person in the argument is right , we wont make it visible that we believe so! We would fight on our stand as far as possible ! phew.  But still I must admit that there is huge introduction of new voters between 2014 & 2010 and these people are independent , independent on who to vote in politics.And that would make the difference this time! Earlier families used to vote for parties but now a citizen of country would vote for the right man!
Namo/ Narendra Modi . Round face , pure white slightly trimmed beard and white hair, broad forehead , he has a bit of clothing sense unlike other politicians who only wear khadi clothes, he chooses his clothes not to impress the rural population of India but to comfort himself. Take out a photo of him when he became the chief minister of Gujarat in Sept, 2001 and at present, you would hardly find any difference. Same old hairstyle and pure white slightly trimmed beard. Probably he has been working on his personality from then on !
This is his fourth term as the Chief Minister of Gujarat . Intellectual people and some columnists describe him as an authoritarian and show their worries for he would become some one like Indira Gandhi if allowed to rule over India. They say he would become an autocrat. Rather some believe that being an authoritarian is actually a good sign of a potent leader and Modi being so deserves to become the next PM of India.

This has nothing to do with Modi but I rather think Sonia Gandhi is an autocrat right now. She rules over India and none challenges her supremacy. She is in one way the supreme leader of India. Then , why don't these intellectual people write about her autocracy!

Narendra Modi was born on 17th Sept , 1950 . That makes him 63 years old this coming Sept . He is a member of Rastriya Swamsevak Sangh (RSS)  and Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP). He has a masters degree in political science from Gujarat University. Recently , he has been anointed the Chairman of BJP election committee for 2014 general elections. This was one giant step by Mr. Modi to lead the BJP into the polls and finally fight for the race of PM. He has always been accused for 2002 Gujarat riots. This is one big blot on his face that I think he'd never be able to washout. But why is the Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi held responsible for the recent violence in Assam between the bodes and the Muslims . Actually PM Manmohan Singh is an MP from the state Assam , shouldn't he be held responsible for what tragic and misgivings happened with people out there in 2012. My point is that such incidents do happen in such a huge and diverse society as India. An excerpt from the novel Shantaram struck to my mind just now. Sir Gregory David Roberts mentioned in the first part of his novel that India is so diverse in religious terms that if , lets imagine , we put the same no of English or French  ( equal to the population of India) at the same place called India and then try to define the country , it wont be possible as there would be killings , mass killings. He said it is only Indian people who can tolerate each other's religions, caste , with so much enthusiasm. It is due to the people that this country is still in one piece * !
SIT is the committee that investigated the Gujarat riots 2002 and it gave clean chit to Modi in 2012 . So , I think we should forget what happened in 2002 and move ahead together!
Apco is a multinational agency that is right now working behind the makeover of Narendra Modi . He hired them in 2007 for advertising his name. And they did their job well! Probably he is an ambitious man . Probably he always wanted to rule over India. And probably he would do some good to the declining global power image of the country if he succeeds . So , lets face the question directly ! Is Modi good enough or there is someone else better than him ? Is Rahul Gandhi better qualified then him or Is there going to be a third contender ? There is a long list of the unanswered questions. I guess we will have to wait till the general elections in 2014. 

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